On the other hand, no matter what you’re doing the gimmicky Wii-era motion control mechanics are still constantly right up in your face, reminding me why those never worked well, and some of the dungeons (and especially the boss fights) aren’t particularly challenging or memorable. The story and characters are still some of the best in the series and the side quests and weirdness of the world remains fantastic.
Even so, it’s a great game, and much of what made it great has aged quite well especially in light of the quality of life improvements and updated graphics. I’ve always been a fan of this divisive Zelda, though unlike IGN’s reviewer in 2011, I never thought Skyward Sword could quite stand shoulder to shoulder with giants of the series like Ocarina of Time or The Wind Waker. After rolling credits on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD on Nintendo Switch, I feel really good about my decision to spend 50+ hours revisiting the Zelda universe’s origin story, warts and all.